Corunna Mi. – The Corunna City Council On Monday Fired Corunna Police Chief Nick Chiros for his behavior on Friday when Chiros was caught on camera assaulting a person, making an illegal arrest and telling the person ““I don’t Give A F*** About Your Rights Right Now, I Am Not Politically Correct, So Shove That Up You’re A**. I Don’t Give A F*** What You Think.” 

He falsely arrested the person and never read him his rights. The man was released with no charges on Saturday after the MSP and Shiawassee County Prosecutor’s Office watched the tape.

Shiawassee County Sheriff Brian BeGole, after watching the video, called for Chiros to be fired by writing in an email, “Chief Chiros gives good police officers a bad name and feel that he should be terminated.”

The next question is, will Chiros be arrested and charged with the crimes that he commits on the camera?

Back story:

Corunna Mi. – A Media Blogger was exercising his first amendment rights on Friday covering a news story of a man threatening to jump off a power pole. The State Police asked him to please back up allowing both to do their job. The man moved several hundred feet away and stationed himself behind a pole.


While the blogger was filming live, Corunna Police Chief Nick Chiros walked up to the camera man, assaulted him by pushing him, and stated he was going to arrest him if he didn’t leave. The camera man explained the law and stated that he was not going to leave. Chiros then told the camera man on live tv he could do whatever he wants,


Chiros then tossed the man’s camera on the ground and arrested him on a felony charge of Obstructing and resisting. When the camera man told him that he, Chiros, really didn’t want to make this illegal arrest, Chiros said Fuck you and had the State Police take him to jail on a false charge. Chiros Never gave the camera man his Miranda Rights as required.


Shiawassee County is known for charging people that have committed no crime with felony resisting and obstruction. The Shiawassee County Public Defense Office has repeatedly stated that all law enforcement should wear a body camera to protect the rights of both the police as well as the defendant. As we can see in this case Chiros made a false arrest and the man was facing 2 years.


This is not the first complaint on Chiros but is possibly the first time he was recorded assaulting a person and doing an illegal arrest.


In the meantime, the video has gone viral showing Chiros telling the world that as the Chief he will do what he wants and F***people’s constitutional rights.

Video Still of Chiros walking up just before assaulting camera man 

Tom Manke


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